Jul 20, 2018 | Press release
On July 18, Orange County Water District voted 6-2 to approve terms for a new, non-binding agreement with privately-owned Poseidon Water for a Huntington Beach desalination project. If the District decides to move ahead with the deal once the plant is fully permitted,...
Jun 27, 2018 | Press release
ORANGE COUNTY, CA—Today California Coastkeeper Alliance released three new expert reports that identify significant flaws with the Huntington Beach desalination plant proposed by privately-owned Poseidon Water. The reports were submitted to the Santa Ana Regional...
Jun 1, 2018 | Press release
ORANGE COUNTY, CA—Today Orange County Water District released the terms of a new agreement with Poseidon Water for a corporate desalination plant proposed for Huntington Beach. The agreement would require Orange County ratepayers to buy Poseidon’s costly desalinated...
Nov 17, 2017 | Press release
HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA—Today California Coastkeeper Alliance, Orange County Coastkeeper and California Coastal Protection Network are challenging the State Lands Commission’s decision to green light Poseidon’s for-profit Huntington Beach desalination plant. The...
Sep 26, 2017 | Press release
HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA— Water experts in California are weighing in on the drawbacks of seawater desalination plants as the State Lands Commission prepares to hold a hearing on a billion dollar desalination project in Orange County. Scientists, researchers and...
Sep 1, 2017 | Press release
Orange County, CA – Poseidon Water, and its Canadian-owned parent company Brookfield Infrastructure Partners, have spent millions trying lobbying for approval of a new desalination plant in Huntington Beach. The billion dollar facility would be the twin of a Carlsbad...